Privacy Policy

About Us

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When you leave a comment on the web site, you can opt-in and store your name, email address, and web site into Cookie. This is convenient for you so that you can save time to re-enter detailed information when leaving other comments.

When you visit the login page, a temporary Cookie will be set to determine if your browser accepts Cookie. This Cookie does not contain any personal data and will be discarded when you close your browser.

We would set up several Cookies to keep screen display information and login information when you login. It will keep for 2 days for login Cookie, 1 year for screen display option Cookie. If you select “keep login status”, login information will be kept for 2 weeks. Your login Cookie will be cleared when you log out.

If you edit or publish a post, more Cookies will be stored in your browser. This Cookie does not contain any personal data. It simply indicates the ID of the changed post. It will expire in 1 day.

Built-in contents from other web sites

Posts on this web site contain built-in contents (movie, image, posts). Built-in contents from other web sites behave exactly like a visitor visits that web site.

These web sites may monitor your data collection, use of Cookie, built-in additional tracking by third party, and interaction with built-in contents. It also includes tracking interactions with built-in contents if you login to the web site using your account.

Where to share your data

If you request a password reset, the IP address will be included for rest email.

Storing period of data

If you leave a comment, your comment and metadata will be held indefinitely.  This is to be able to automatically recognize and approve follow-up comments instead of holding comments moderation cue.

If there are users registered on this web site, it will save the personal information that person provided on the user profile page.  All users can show your personal information, edit, and delete.  (However, the user name cannot be changed)  Web site’s administrator can also view and edit the information.

Your right to the data

You can make a request to receive it as an export file if you have an account on this web site, have left a comment on this web site or if we have personal data about you including all data provided.  You can also request to delete personal data.  This does not include data that we are obliged to retain for administrative, legal or security purposes.

Where to send your data

Visitor comments may be confirmed through automated spam detection services.